The College of Nursing at Basra University contributes food baskets to female students in the internal departments.

Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Nursing (the respected Dr. Majid Asghar) and in coordination with the Director of the Department of Internal Department Affairs and the Social Researcher Division in the internal departments. Food baskets were distributed (to 9 female students... College of Nursing) at the site of the Bab Al-Zubair Colleges Complex on the occasion of this holy month. Female students about the attitude of their colleges towards their female students. It enhances the social spirit between the student and the college on the other hand, as part of continued maintenance in the internal departments.... The generator, section 8/female students, was cleaned and its work was completed.. The internal departments were also cleaned, the cookers and washing machines were checked, and the presence of cooking gas was confirmed. .. In addition to conducting a night inventory and submitting reports to the supervisors.